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Claire Sheehan
Aug 3, 2020
Turn to soothing practices - weekly self kindness invite
What does it mean for you to turn to soothing practices? Today I have chosen one of the first cards in my self kindness deck I am...

Claire Sheehan
Mar 12, 2019
Saying yes - Mindful evenings for mamas
When we choose yes it brings an opportunity for joy into our evening. Often as a Mum I feel like my default mode is No. No we can't do...

Claire Sheehan
Mar 1, 2019
Mama mantras for a more mindful evening
I am ready to choose JOY everyday. As a parent it is true that the years are short but the days are long - and sometimes the part of the...

Claire Sheehan
Feb 13, 2019
An invitation to everyday celebration
We can make a celebration as big and as little as we like, as formal or informal as we like. Maybe this week you can see where you can...

Claire Sheehan
Feb 5, 2019
Paying attention to the nudges of life
My self care invite this week comes to you courtesy of self awareness. It's something I've been working hard on, to be more aware of when...

Claire Sheehan
Jan 29, 2019
Tough times - when we really need to invite self care in
It's been a while since I have posted / written a newsletter and that's mainly been due to lots of poorliness in our home! Nothing major,...

Claire Sheehan
Jan 6, 2019
Simple selfcare - just start
Maybe this is the year that you said you'd get better at looking after yourself. At empowering yourself to be your best self. Sometimes I...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 18, 2018
Find the magic - selfcare invite 18 Dec 2018
When we are a child, believing in magic comes so naturally to us. It is everywhere, all around us and supported by the adults who want us...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 10, 2018
This is me - selfcare as an act of love and truth
Sometimes the biggest act of selfcare we need to give ourselves is to trust ourselves and see the power of who we are. I love the whole...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 3, 2018
Breathe - all is well. Selfcare invite 3 December 2018
Wow here we are in the last month of the year. Already! Can you believe it? My invite this week is to take a breathe and remember all...

Claire Sheehan
Nov 26, 2018
Let love guide you - selfcare invite 26 November 2018
Hello Friends, Sometimes it feels like what we allow to guide us most is whatever is most pressing. It does not always feel good to work...

Claire Sheehan
Nov 19, 2018
Choosing JOY - selfcare invite 19 November
I started thinking about JOY as my 2019 word of the year and considering where I bring joy in my business and where I experience joy and...

Claire Sheehan
Nov 12, 2018
Calm down - choosing calm abundance over rush and urgency
Todays selfcare invite is brought to you by my feeling of rush and urgency which keeps sneaking up on me! This time of year is my busy...

Claire Sheehan
Nov 5, 2018
Keep going - adjust as you need - selfcare invite 5 November
It strikes me sometimes what an up and down thing working for yourself can be. That's what prompted todays prompt. Sometimes I feel thing...

Claire Sheehan
Oct 30, 2018
The power of reflection - selfcare invite 30 October
It's the first day back to school for my twins this morning and there is no doubt we have had a busy and fun week - the boys turned six,...

Claire Sheehan
Oct 22, 2018
Honouring selfcare, needs, wants and your reality - selfcare invite 22 October 2018
It's half-term here and that means less work time than normal. Added to that and it's also my twins birthday coming up later this week so...

Claire Sheehan
Oct 15, 2018
Write it big - creating goals that matter self care invite 15 October
This week I am inviting you to take a step back and ask yourself what you really want with your life, your dreams and your self care. YOU...

Claire Sheehan
Oct 8, 2018
Let go like the autumn...selfcare invite 8 October 2018
It's definitely turning more autumnal everyday here, both in what I see happening around me and in the cooler air getting up and going to...

Claire Sheehan
Oct 1, 2018
Small tweaks - changing things for the better a little bit at a time. Selfcare Invite 1 October
Good morning and WOW to it being October already! Anyone else wondering how that happened? I do really love the autumn tho and my boys...

Claire Sheehan
Sep 24, 2018
Planning in joy - selfkindness invitation 24 September 2018
I noticed that I wasn't making space for things which were important to me and which brought me joy. This weeks selfkindness invitation...
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