Hello Friends,
Sometimes it feels like what we allow to guide us most is whatever is most pressing. It does not always feel good to work this way. When we work from a sense of urgency we can lose sight of what brings us most joy. When we lose sight of what brings us most joy, we can start to feel stagnant, or resentful or irritable but without quite realising what is driving it.
Today I say to myself, I choose a different way.

Today and this week I invite you to let LOVE guide your actions.
What would that look like for you? What would it feel like? Where may it lead you that is a different path to the one you usually find yourself on?
I can let love guide me...
To remember it is OK to love myself and to know that I am worthy
In the choices I make moment by moment
In the way that I respond to parenting situations and challenges
To give thanks joyfully for all that is good and all that I am learning
To consider my options and different ways of doing things
To breaking out of old ways of doing things
Until Next week, Frriends. Namaste.