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Claire Sheehan
Oct 21, 2020
Notice how you feel - self kindness invite
How do you notice how you are feeling? Sometimes I think we tend to pootle along until suddenly we realise something is not quite...
Claire Sheehan
Sep 19, 2020
Celebrate your unique voice - Day 3 Self Kindness Invitation
I love social media but I do find sometimes I can find myself comparing myself (especially as creative!) to all the amazing work that...
Claire Sheehan
Sep 18, 2020
Press Pause Before Action - Day 2 self kindness invitation
I am someone who finds themselves drawn to act. I find it hard to sit down and sit still and relax, even when I know it will be to my...
Claire Sheehan
Sep 17, 2020
Invitation to self kindness Day 1: Each Day, New Opportunities
One day I had been feeling especially challenged around how things were going. I noticed as well, as it was after I had completed a...
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