Count your blessings, they say.
Though sometimes it sounds more like you
"should" count your blessings, like
you are not fully grateful for all you have or
are a little scared, or a lot anxious like
that wipes out all your thankfulness and
makes it not count at all.
What if count your blessings was your own call
to wholeness. To count all the good things in your life
to call in your energy
Instead of listing all the fears and things that could go wrong
in a thousand countless ways
that many do not even think about but
stream into your mind like water on a winters day and fill
your head and heart with dread.
What if instead count your blessings pulled
all that goodness to you and
into your heart and
filled you with love and peace and compassion
So in turn you could shine outwards as you are meant to,
a beacon of light and a
blessing to others.
Author Claire Sheehan December 2020.
Please do share, credit me as author and add my sites @csheehanart social media and for more blessings my website and my Self Compassion facebook page